Patricia Duarte Padma Yoga

Patricia Duarte Padma Yoga

Yoga, meditation, yoga dance

    Shakti is the divine power within us. This class is aimed to awake your inner Goddess. We will work with the different elements and balance each chakra with specific movements to liberate all the tensions that could be blocking you from feeling real happiness. Learn to explore the movements in your body.

    Zarelly Luna

    Zarelly Luna

    Cacao + Yoga + Sitar Live Music

      Gathering intention: Decompress. Every move will be a devotional prayer and a way to explore our nervous system so we can co regulate together. Allow cacao to guide you through self awareness, while Sitar instrument carries you into the depths of sound. Sounds by David Cordero Music.

      Maureen Vega

      Maureen Vega

      7 Chackras

        This yoga class dives deep into de physical and energetic aspect of our body with sequences and poses that align with an specific chakra. Is a class rooted in intention, emotion, breath and energy and you will find a deeper connection with yourself and inside and out.

        David Ramírez Bianchini

        David Ramírez Bianchini

        Palpitar Soundhealing

          Terapia CraneoSacral En esta técnica se utilizan las manos en forma muy suave para trabajar con ciertas membranas del cuerpo (fascia o tejido conectivo), con el objetivo de crear un espacio óptimo para el sano funcionamiento del Sistema Nervioso Central. Generalmente se inician estas sesiones con un toque suave del Gong, integrándose ambas herramientas, generando mucha relajación y apertura en el cuerpo.

          Paula Angulo

          Paula Angulo


            It is a theoretical - practical workshop where we cover and develop different topics such as: -Importance of listening to the body to understand our individual needs and satisfy them -Alkalinity vs. Acidity of food and how to achieve a balance -Detoxification therapy or "reset" to restore our health and well-being. -Habits and tools that support our process of seeking balance in the body.

            Miranda Abbott

            Miranda Abbott

            Ashtanga Yoga

              Yoga Lounge is an innovative form of yoga created by Miranda Abbott, combining traditional yoga elements with Limon modern dance techniques. Miranda developed this class to help individuals improve their mobility while they breathe and move to the beat of a drum. This invigorating class includes strength and coordination training and is suitable for all yoga practitioners. The rhythmic experience will leave you feeling uplifted and rejuvenated.

              Simone Ferreira

              Simone Ferreira

              Yoga Tone

                Yoga Tone with Simone- Yoga Zenergy Athletic Vinyasa Flow. This class is designed to make you sweat and feel bliss with a continuous sequenced flow.

                El Despertador

                El Despertador

                Happiness Activation Experience

                  Somos una pareja de viajeros, exploradores de los caminos de la conciencia, amantes de la filosofía, espiritualidad, cultura y ciencia. Aprendimos que la verdadera felicidad es posible y también probable, cuando dejamos de buscarla y nos ocupamos en practicarla. Inspirados por la certeza de que toda persona puede ayudarse a vivir mejor, nos dedicamos a compartir experiencias transformadoras para desatar tu felicidad interior.

                  José Pablo Rodriguez

                  José Pablo Rodriguez

                  Kundalini Yoga and Meditation with Singing Bowls

                    Sacred medicines, sound waves, exercises, presence, people, they all come with a message, they all come as a tool that enlights what needs to be soften within ourselves. In my experience, all these sacred medicines have come in during key moments in my life. Moments where I feel somewhat lost in the game of the ego.

                    ScheduleJanuary 13January 14January 15


                    Palpitar Soundhealing - Sound Bath

                    Mauren Vega - 7 Chackras

                    Zarelly Luna - Cacao Gathering + Hatha Yoga + Sitar Music


                    Paula Angulo - Conscious nutrition

                    Simone Ferreira

                    11.00 - 12.00 Yoga Tone

                    12.00 - 13.00 Yoga Zenergy
                    And Athletic Vinyasa Flow

                    Jose Pablo Rodriguez - Meditation with Singing Bowls


                    15.00 - 16.30 Padma Yoga - Shakti Yoga Dance

                    16.30-18.00 El Despertador - Happiness Activation Experience

                    Miranda Abbott

                    15.00 - 16.00 Ashtanga Yoga

                    16.00 - 17.00 Yoga Lounge

                    José Pablo Rodriguez - Kundalini Yoga

                    “Yoga takes you into the present moment, the only place where life exists.”


